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What Skin Tightening Treatments Should I Get After Semaglutide?

Semaglutide injections have become an extremely popular solution for appetite suppression and weight loss. Semaglutide, also referred to by the brand name Ozempic, helps mimic the GLP-1 hormone. GLP-1 is a hormone our body produces as part of the digestion process. Simply put, as we eat GLP-1 is produced to start the metabolism. Increased levels of GLP-1 increase the amount of insulin created as well as helping the brain signal our body to stop eating by feeling full. Because Semaglutide mimics GLP-1 it helps improve both how the body metabolizes food and suppresses appetite. In conjunction with exercise and dieting, individuals who take weekly Semaglutide injections tend to see quicker weight loss that patients who do not receive these injections. 

This sudden weight loss can be a big victory for men and women who have struggled with weight loss for years or decades of their lives. However, one drawback of quick weight loss is dealing with loose skin. Loose skin around the abdomen and waist can make it difficult to feel confident in your weight loss, meanwhile sagging skin around the face can make a person look older. 

What Is "Ozempic Face" & How Is It Treated?

Before we discuss skin tightening treatments, there is another common side effect from taking Semaglutide that many patients report. Loss of fat around the face can cause face around the skin to sag or appear hollow. Additionally, wrinkles and lines might appear more prevalent. Many people refer to this as “Ozempic Face”. Fortunately, there are a handful of treatments that can help de-age the face and add volume. A combination of fillers and injectables like Botox Cosmetic are often recommended. Botox Cosmetic or other neurotoxin injectables help decrease the visibility of lines and wrinkles especially around the eyes. Dermal fillers like Juvéderm can help add volume to the cheeks and lips which can help with patients who notice a “hollowed-out” appearance. 

Surgical vs Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Treatments


Morpheus8 is a skin tightening treatment that works by combining microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) technology together. By combining these two different technologies, Morpheus8 both tightens skin and smooths the skin simultaneously. 

Morpheus8 is a great treatment for patients who notice loose skin especially around the jawline, arms, legs or abdomen. Morpheus8 not only tightens the skin closer to the body but also improves the overall appearance of the skin by decreasing the visibility of wrinkles. 

BodyTite & FaceTite

BodyTite & FaceTite are minimally invasive treatments that utilize radiofrequency (RF) technology to destroy fat cells underneath the body. These treatments both decrease fat and tighten the skin simultaneously. This treatment can be done around the abdomen, face, or other areas of the body. 

Traditional liposuction treatments require a hospital visit and general anesthesia. By contrast, BodyTite and FaceTite are minimally invasive liposuction treatments that are performed in our offices under local anesthesia. Recovery and downtime are significantly less as well. 

Surgical Treatments

Body contouring surgeons like Dr. Loffredo & Dr. Jones have helped millions of men and women with body contouring treatments including liposuction and Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). There are a variety of surgical techniques for removing loose skin. 

Having treated thousands of men and women throughout the Cape Cod area over the years, our board-certified surgeons are able to tailor treatment plans and solutions to their patients specific needs. For example, abdominoplasty and liposuction can be done individually or combined for even more dramatic results. 

How Can Plastic Surgeons Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Semaglutide Treatment?

Semaglutide weekly injections are a great tool for weight loss. Because Semaglutide effectively suppresses appetite while also helping the body metabolize food, it makes it easier for people to stick to a diet, feel energized, and adjust their lifestyles. Many of the stopping blocks of diet and exercise are easier to manage thanks to Semaglutide. Because of that, patients tend to see dramatic results in a short period of time. But this can have a downside. Loose wrinkly skin, cellulite, and a sunken facial appearance can make people feel less than confident when it comes to showing off their weight loss results. Obviously for millions of people using Semaglutide, a main goal is to feel truly confident in their bodies. By working with plastic surgeons that provide injectables, skin treatments, and surgical treatments for major weight loss, you can get better overall results. 

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