Terms of Service

Home Terms of Service

Terms Of Service

Please read these terms of service carefully for more information about the Cape & Islands Plastic Surgery website including how we collect and use data. When you use this website or provide information via contact forms on this website, you agree and accept the following conditions. 

Privacy Policy

For information on how our website collects, stores, and uses data, please reference our Privacy Policy page. It will better help you understand our practices in relation to collecting data from website visitors. 

Website Browsing Cookies Policy

Our website uses cookies to provide and improve our services. These cookies are used to collect broad data about our website traffic, improve the security and speed of our website, and perform similar functions. By using our website you agree to our website’s use of these cookies. 


Content published on this website including graphics, logos, and images are the property of Cape & Islands Plastic Surgery and/or its content creators and are protected by international copyright laws. The entire compilation of the content found ton this website is the exclusive property of Cape & Islands Plastic Surgery. 

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