Neck Liposuction

What are the Benefits of Neck Liposuction?

Some patients who are having liposuction of the neck area and/ or jowls will also elect to have a face lift at the same time. It is usually the younger patients (less than 40 years of age) who have liposuction of the neck area without any type of lift. Many times these are young women (or men) who are not overweight, but just have this pocket of fat that makes their chin look small and their jaw line look weak. If the chin truly is weak, a chin implant can be placed at the same time to further enhance a patient’s appearance. Dr. Jones and Dr. Loffredo always examine the patient during the consultation and recommend what would best satisfy a patient’s goals.

Most patients who have liposuction of the neck and/or jowls will have to wear a chin strap continuously for about 5 days. Our surgeons at Cape and Islands Plastic Surgery will provide this chin strap for all patients. Although there will be some bruising, liposuction of the face is not particularly painful. Our surgeons will provide any liposuction patient (face or body) with sufficient pain medication to make the patient comfortable after surgery.*

*Individual results may vary from person to person.

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