Chin Implant

Learn More About Chin Implants

Chin Implant surgery is performed to cosmetically enhance the appearance of one’s chin. Many patients who have the need for a chin implant are unaware that they need one because they do not view themselves from their profile.  Most patients underestimate the positive and powerful effect that a chin implant can have on their appearance.*

Dr. Loffredo and Dr. Jones prefer to perform this surgery under general anesthesia (you’re asleep) in a hospital as an outpatient (you go home the same day). The operation usually requires about 1 hour.

Post-operatively, there is moderate pain which is well controlled with oral medication. There is very little bandaging and you can eat regular food immediately after surgery. Post-operatively, our surgeons see all chin implant patients the day after surgery. Patients are allowed to shower and shampoo after this initial visit. Patients should expect to see bruising for seven to ten days.

Depending on your job, most patients can usually return to work/school in 7 to 10 days. Most patients can resume light exercising in about two weeks. At six weeks, most patients can resume their normal exercise program.  This surgery can be performed at the same time with either a rhinoplasty or face lift. Insurance does not cover chin implants.*

*Individual results may vary from person to person.

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