Arm Lift

Learn More Arm Lift Surgery

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is used to remove excess skin and fat from underneath the arms. People who have sagging or drooping skin on the upper arms due to weight loss, aging, or genetics are good candidates for arm lift surgery. After brachioplasty, the arms appear significantly more trim, firm, and smooth.*



How Are Brachioplasty Procedures Done?

The arm lift procedure is usually done under general anesthesia (you’re asleep). In order to remove the unwanted skin, an incision is required that runs from near the elbow into the armpit. The incision is placed in the most inconspicuous location (inner arm toward the back), but some scarring will always be visible. Therefore, any patient considering an armplasty has to weigh the benefit of having loose skin against the drawback of a permanent scar. Usually, the patient who chooses to have an armplasty performed is one who has lost a considerable amount of weight and has what they often refer to as “bat wings.”*

What Post-Op Care Is There After Brachioplasty?

Most patients are able to go home the same day of surgery unless they are having additional surgery that requires an overnight stay. Patients should plan on taking two weeks off from work. Patients can start mild exercise such as a short walk at about 5 days and gradually return to full exercise at 6 weeks. Exercises involving the arms should be resumed closer to the 6-week period. Patients should also consider that many everyday activities of even a low level that require the arms and hands may be difficult for brachioplasty patients during the first few weeks of recuperation.*

*Individual results may vary from person to person.

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