Learn More About Abdominoplasty
Our Surgeons feel that all patients deserve the best possible result. They always strive to make every patient as informed as possible on any issue that could affect her result. The following information is provided to patients who are overweight and are concerned as to how this will affect their abdominoplasty result.
This information is not a replacement for a consultation and examination with Dr. Jones and Dr. Loffredo. Its purpose is to help you decide whether or not you want to lose weight before you have your abdominoplasty surgery.
What Is Abdominoplasty?
An abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a protruding or sagging abdomen. During abdominoplasty surgery, excess abdominal skin and fat is removed. In addition, Dr. Jones and Dr. Loffredo usually correct weakened abdominal muscles that may have separated. The overall goal is to provide a patient with a flatter, firmer abdomen.
Who are Candidates for Abdominoplasty Surgery?
Most patients for abdominoplasty surgery fall in to one of two categories. They are either women who have had children or women who have lost large amounts of weight. Many times, the patient falls into both categories. We also see women who have sagging abdomens due to the aging process. It is inevitable that skin starts to sag with age.
What Is The Ideal Weight For Abdominoplasty?
The following table was provided to Cape and Islands Plastic Surgery by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Our surgeons suggest that you discuss what you should weigh with your primary care physician. This will help you decide if you want to lose weight.
- 4'10"
- 4'11"
- 5'
- 5'2"
- 5'2"
- 5'3"
- 5'4"
- 5'5"
- 5'6"
- 5'7"
- 5'8"
- 5'9"
- 5'10"
- 5'11"
- 6'
- 115 lbs
- 117 lbs
- 119.5 lbs
- 122 lbs
- 125 lbs
- 128 lbs
- 131 lbs
- 134 lbs
- 137 lbs
- 140 lbs
- 143 lbs
- 146 lbs
- 149 lbs
- 152 lbs
- 155
How does being overweight affect my having Abdominoplasty Surgery or the result?
Patient Safety:
First, let’s talk about how being overweight can affect your safety during surgery. Any patient whose BMI (Body Mass Index) is over 40 runs a higher risk for a pulmonary embolus (a blood clot that goes to the lung and is life-threatening). In addition, obesity can cause other problems, such as diabetes, that can also complicate a patient’s surgery. Another consideration is that oftentimes, being overweight can simply lengthen the time of surgery and therefore the length of time a patient needs to be under anesthesia.
To calculate BMI in adults: weight in pounds divided by height in inches. Divide once again by height in inches. Multiply by 703.
Normal BMI = 18.5 to 24.9
Overweight BMI= 25 to 29.9
Obese BMI= 30 and greater
Aesthetic Result:
Concerning the aesthetic result that a patient can receive from an abdominoplasty, the following is true:
- The closer a patient is to her ideal weight, the better the aesthetic result will be achieved.
- An abdominoplasty will reduce or eliminate the hanging abdominal skin and fat (often called a panniculus).
- It will not improve one’s thighs or buttocks.
- If you are overweight and your main problem is your abdomen, then you should see an improvement.
- If you are at your ideal body weight (or just a little over) with your primary problem being sagging abdominal skin and fat, your overall appearance after an abdominoplasty should be much improved.*
*Individual results may vary from person to person.