
Abdominoplasty Surgery on Cape Cod

This is considered the gold standard of all the cosmetic surgery procedures of the abdomen. It is by far the surgery that accomplishes the most; however, it is also a longer and more involved surgery. Patients stay overnight in the hospital for one night. This way Dr. Loffredo and Dr. Jones can provide their abdominoplasty patients with appropriate pain control and the nursing care they need.  Our surgeons usually recommend two weeks off from work.

What Is Abdominoplasty?

An abdominoplasty is a surgical operation that involves the removal of sagging abdominal skin and fat. Colloquially abdominoplasties are often referred to as “Tummy Tucks”. In addition to the removal of skin and fat, our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons Dr. Jones and Dr. Loffredo can plicate or tighten the true abdominal wall (muscle). Tummy Tucks are often used as part of a Mommy Makeover, a group of procedures done together to help women regain their pre-pregnancy body shape. The abdomen muscle often gets stretched out during pregnancy and does not go back to its original shape afterwards.


Schedule An Abdominoplasty Consultation

Another consideration that all women need to be aware of is that an abdominoplasty leaves a scar on the abdomen. In order to remove the excess skin, there needs to be a long incision. All incisions will leave a scar, though it will fade with time. Our surgeons will place the scar as low as possible.*

*Individual results may vary from person to person.

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