Mentor Implant Choices

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Mentor Implants for Breast Augmentation

With the FDA approval of the new generation of silicone gel breast implants, women now have choices in breast enlargement. This very exciting news means women seeking breast enlargement now need to educate themselves about their breast implant options. We offer this primer to help you gain an understanding of your choices. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.

Boston Breast Implants

Saline & Silicone-Filled Breast Implants from Mentor

One of the brands of breast implants that Dr. Loffredo and Dr. Jones use is the Mentor brand of implants. They offer both saline-filled and silicone gel-filled breast implants.  Our surgeons feel that the Mentor implants are one of the two superior brands of breast implants available. Mentor also provides patients with very generous limited warranties, which are outlined in the Mentor pamphlets “Mentor Limited Warranties for saline-filled breast implants” and “Premier Advantage for MemoryGel® Round Breast Implants.” This pamphlet is available from Cape and Islands Plastic Surgery or Mentor Corporation. 

What Are Saline-Filled Breast Implants?

The saline breast implants that Dr. Loffredo and Dr. Jones use are filled with a saline-water solution that is similar to the fluid that makes up most of the human body. Saline implants are inserted into the body without fluid, and then filled during surgery through a fill tube. When the fill tube is removed, the implant automatically seals itself.

What Are Silicone-Filled Breast Implants?

The silicone gel-filled breast implants for breast augmentation were FDA approved for sale in the United States in 2006. Patients who are implanted with silicone gel-filled breast implants for the purpose of augmentation do need to be at least 22 years of age. Patients as young as 18 years of age can be implanted with saline-filled breast implants. In addition, the FDA recommends that all patients who are implanted with silicone-filled gel implants have an MRI of both breasts three years after the implantation and then every two years after that. (Please note that a patient’s health insurance may not cover the cost of this MRI.) Lastly, there is a pamphlet (also available on-line) that the FDA requires a patient to review before making a decision to have breast augmentation with silicone gel-filled implants. Cape and Islands Plastic Surgery provides this pamphlet to all patients considering silicone gel-filled implants.

How Do You Choose Between Silicone or Saline-Filled Mentor Implants?

Both the silicone gel-filled breast implants and the saline-filled breast implants are available in the smooth surfaced implant and in all three profiles (shapes). You will find more information on implant surfaces and profiles below on this page.

Dr. Jones and Dr. Loffredo will review with all patients, during their initial consultation, the two types of breast implants (saline- and silicone gel-filled). They will provide patients with samples of both types of breast implants, so that they can feel the actual difference between them. In most instances, after presenting all the information to the patient, they will allow the patient to choose what type of implant that she wants. Silicone gel-filled implants cost approximately $1000 more than saline-filled breast implants, and this cost has to be passed on to patients.

For more information about the types, shapes, and styles, click to read about our breast implant choices.

Breast Implant Options

Dr. Loffredo and Dr. Jones typically use smooth walled round-shaped implants for their patients. These are the most popular choice of implant shape used today.

The round-shaped implants from Mentor Corporation are available in three profiles: The Moderate Profile, The Moderate Plus Profile, and The High Profile. These profiles are available in both Mentor’s saline-filled implants and their silicone gel-filled implants.

Implant Profile Options

High Profile Silicone

Moderate Profile Silicone

Moderate Plus Profile Silicone

You will be shown examples of all three styles during your consultation at Cape and Islands Plastic Surgery. When our surgeons examine you, he will provide you with guidance as to which style will better meet your needs. We has a complete set of implant “sizers” of all three styles. This allows you to see how all three styles fit your chest wall, which makes the selection process easier.

Here is a closer look at some of the features of both saline and MemoryGel® silicone breast implants.

MemoryGel® Breast Implants

FDA Approved

Filled with Mentor’s proprietary silicone gel

MemoryGel® holds together uniformly while retaining the natural give that resembles breast tissue.

Set fill volume

Three projection options

Moderate, Moderate Plus, High Profile

Two shell surfaces available

Smooth and textured

4.0 cm. incision with most incision placements inframammary. Keller Funnel™ utilized to maintain small 4.0 cm. incision.

Covered by Mentor’s Premier Advantage Free Limited Warranty and lifetime replacement policy

Saline Breast Implants

FDA Approved

Filled with a saltwater solution

Similar to the fluid that makes up most of the human body; slightly firmer feel.

Flexible fill volume

Allows the surgeon to adjust the volume during the procedure.

Three projection options

Moderate, Moderate Plus, High Profile

Two shell surfaces available

Smooth and textured

4.0 cm. incision size with various options for incision placement.

Covered by Mentor’s standard or Enhanced Advantage Limited Warranty and lifetime replacement policy

Breast Implant Profile Choices

A variety of breast implant profiles allows us to achieve a better match between your desired breast projection and your individual body frame. See the table below to compare breast implant projection. When you come in for a consultation with Dr. Loffredo or Dr. Jones, they can explain which implants would be suitable based on your shape and the look you desire.

MemoryGel® Silicone Moderate Profile Breast Implant

Moderate Profile Implants

Standard projection, with a wider base width

Saline Moderate Profile
Breast Implant

MemoryGel® Silicone High Profile

Moderate Plus Profile Implants

A higher projection, with moderate base width

Saline Moderate Plus Profile

MemoryGel® Silicone High Profile

Moderate Profile Implants

Highest projection, with narrower base width

Saline High Profile

*Individual results may vary from person to person.

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