Juvéderm Filler Collection in Hyannis & Plymouth
Cape & Islands Plastic Surgery has been providing Botox Cosmetic and Juvéderm fillers for years here on Cape Cod. The Juvéderm filler collection is a versatile group of dermal fillers that can provide a variety of benefits to patients. They can add volume to the cheeks, plump the lips, and help decrease the visibility of lines and wrinkles. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to discuss fillers, Botox Cosmetic, other injectables, or other de-aging treatments in general, please contact our team to set up your injectable consultation.
Learn More About The Juvéderm Filler Collection
Customized Filler Treatment Plans with Juvéderm
The Juvéderm collection of fillers provides a fully customizable solution for patients looking to address a variety of issues. By combining these fillers, our team of master injections can help decrease the visibility of lines and wrinkles, add definition to the jawline, add volume to the cheeks, and help plump the lips. Together these fillers can help patients fully change the appearance of their face without needing more invasive treatments like a traditional face lift. Additionally, these fillers can be combined with other treatments from Allergan including KYBELLA which is an injectable that destroys fat cells around the chin, and Botox Cosmetic which helps further decrease the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, nose, and mouth.

- Treatment Area: Jawline
- Treatment Goals: Improved jawline definition
Juvéderm Volux XC is recommended for patients who want to have a more defined jawline. Male and female patients who have issues with how their jawline transitions into their neck can benefit from this filler that causes the skin around the jawline to tighten and make the jaw stand out.

- Treatment Area: Cheek & Chin Area
- Treatment Goals: Address age-related loss of volume and chin profile
Patients who notice that there is a hollowing appearance around the cheeks are great candidates for Juvéderm Voluma XC. Hollowing around the cheeks can be a sign of aging and often occurs when patients lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. For example the term “Ozempic Face” is often used to describe hollow cheekbones that are often a side effect of the weight loss patients get when taking Semaglutide injections.

- Treatment Area: Lip & Mouth/Nose Area
- Treatment Goals: Add volume to the lips & decrease visibility of lines & wrinkles
Juvéderm Ultra XC and Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC are both designed to help fight the signs of aging around the nose and mouth while also provide volume to the lips.

- Treatment Area: Nasolabial Folds, Nose & Mouth Area
- Treatment Goals: Correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles & folds
Juvéderm Vollure is designed to decrease the visibility of lines and wrinkles that appear around the nose and mouth. This treatment is most commonly used to treat marionette lines, smile lines, and nasolabial folds. All of these lines, folds, and wrinkles appear around the mouth and nose area and can become more pronounced as we age.

- Treatment Area: Lips
- Treatment Goals: Add volume to the lips
Juvéderm Volbella is engineered to help augment the shape and size of the lips. This injection can also help correct perioral lines, which are the vertical lines that appear around the lips and extend vertically towards the nose or chin.

Schedule Juvéderm Injections After Weight Loss
Juvéderm fillers can help patients tighten their skin and add volume to the face and lips after they have lost weight. Many people who have lost weight via treatments like Semaglutide have reported that it has impacted how their face looks. Losing weight quickly can cause your face to appear gaunt or hollow. Our collection of dermal fillers can help address many of these issues. For more information about treatments that can help patients after weight loss, please click below.
Schedule Your Personal Consultation
For our Sandwich office, please schedule through our Hyannis Office.