Breast Implant Revisions

Home Breast Implant Revisions

Breast Implant Revision Surgery on Cape Cod

Receiving breast implants can significantly improve self-confidence, helping to create an hourglass figure and create more proportionate breasts, however, breast implants can lose their shape or volume which means many women opt for breast implant revisions. Through this service, women can replace or update the implant. While the shape and size are of concern, the #1 reason to get breast revision surgery is unhappiness with previous results.

Reasons To Consider Breast Implant Revision Surgery

As mentioned above, the most common reason women get breast implant revision surgery is to address unhappiness with their previous results. However, there are a few other reasons women consider breast implant revision surgery:

  • Capsular contracture causing discomfort (when scar tissue forms a tight or constricting capsule around a breast implant)
  • The possibility of the implant rupturing or migrating, oftentimes seen at the 10-15 year mark
  • Seeking a different implant material or style
  • Upgrading or downgrading the size of the implant

Your Guide To Breast Revision Surgery

Our plastic surgeons have worked with thousands of patients to help them reach their body goals. At our practice in Hyannis and Plymouth it is our number one priority that men and women are confident and comfortable in their bodies. If you are unhappy with breast augmentation surgery and have issues with the size and shape of your breasts, we can help with revision surgery. We have worked with thousands of patients over the years and have been consistently voted the best plastic surgeons on the Cape because of our dedication to ensuring that each of our patients gets the treatment and results they deserve.

Before After

What Happens During A Breast Revision Procedure?

During the consultation process, our board-certified surgeons will work with you to get an idea of what goals you have and help you choose the implants that will help you achieve these goals. Your surgical appointment will be scheduled and you will be provided with a lot information about how to prepare, your post-care, and what to expect during your surgery.

Breast Surgery Post-Care Information

Immediately After The Procedure

After your surgery, you will be taken into a recovery area and monitored. Typically after an hour or so you will be permitted to go home. Before you leave. you will be given specific postoperative instructions.

Support Garments (Bras or Elastic Bands)

Your surgeon will provide you with a support garment (usually a bra or an elastic band) that you will wear around the clock as instructed by your surgeon. You may also need to cleanse the incision sites periodically.

Follow Up Appointments & Returning to Work

It is recommended that you rest for a period of time after the surgery and take time off of work. Your surgeon will tell you exactly how long to rest when to return to work, and when to resume normal activity and exercise.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Implant Revision Surgery

If you’re dissatisfied with the current size of your breast implants or if you are concerned about the integrity of the implants, you should consider breast implant revision surgery. Additionally, you must have realistic expectations and be at a stable weight.

Breast implant revision costs are dependent on the needs of the patient so it’s best to schedule a consultation to discuss. We offer patient financing plans if health insurance does not cover the cost.

When meeting with Dr. Jones or Dr. Loffredo, be prepared to discuss your goals and previous surgeries, if you have any allergies or medical conditions, current medications, and how often you consume alcohol, vitamins or herbal supplements.

Next, Dr. Jones or Dr. Loffredo will evaluate your health status as well as pre-existing health conditions or risk factors. Dr. Jones or Dr. Loffredo will then examine your existing breast implants and discuss options while providing recommendations.

Dr. Jones and Dr. Loffredo will discuss any risks associated with breast implant revision surgery during your initial consultation. You will then be asked to read and sign a consent form which ensures you are fully aware of any possible complications.  Some potential risks include bleeding, infection, hematoma, asymmetry, and skin loss, among others.

Before the surgery, do not take aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding. Since anesthesia is used, arrange for transportation to and from surgery.

Swelling will go down after six weeks and feel more natural. Healing time varies person to person, so you’ll want to discuss expectations with the doctor regarding how long it will take for the breasts to feel softer, for sensation to return and for scars to fade.

It’s critical that the surgical incisions are cared for properly post-surgery. Do not subject incisions to abrasion, motion or excessive force.

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