Breast Asymmetry & Tuberous Breasts

Home Breast Asymmetry & Tuberous Breasts

Breast Augmentation for Asymmetrical & Tuberous Breasts

Breast Asymmetry is something that can be improved or corrected. The degree of symmetry that can be achieved is to a large degree dependent on the patient’s existing condition. It is usually possible to achieve symmetry in size although symmetry in shape can be more challenging. While you can (1) place an implant in a breast (breast augmentation) to increase size of a breast, (2) lift a breast (mastopexy) to reduce sag, or (3) remove some of the breast tissue (breast reduction) to reduce the size of a breast, you cannot change the actual width of a breast. Therefore, if the pre-existing width of one breast is significantly different from the other, the patient should not expect perfect symmetry. However, a significant improvement can usually be achieved. *

How Is Breast Augmentation For Asymmetrical Breasts Done?

First, the patient needs to decide what she wants to change. Obviously, all patients want their final result to be breasts of the same size. However, ultimately it is the patient’s choice to decide:

One less common option is to combine a unilateral reduction with a unilateral augmentation, this would be a situation where one breast would have its size increased while the other is decreased. This is less common and would involve a situation of greater asymmetry. Please note that the side that is augmented may need a subsequent mastopexy to achieve symmetry in shape and sag.

How Do You Choose Which Surgical Option is Right For You?

Dr. Loffredo and Dr. Jones help a patient decide what procedures will help achieve symmetry concerning shape and sag. However, they want the patient to identify what she is trying to achieve as far as size is concerned. It is not uncommon for an asymmetrical breast patient to say, “If it weren’t for the asymmetry, I would not be here.” Obviously however, if both breasts are different sizes, some decision has to be made about going larger or going smaller. *

Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous breasts are caused by an abnormality in breast development, where the developing breast is constricted at its base, by tight skin and instead of developing into a round, soft breast, the breast has a narrow, tube-like shape.  This can be on one side or bilateral, but the hallmark of the problem is noticeable asymmetry between the two breasts. Depending on a woman’s anatomy and the cause of asymmetry, breast size and shape can be corrected with combinations of breast augmentations, breast reductions or breast lifts. Different procedures may be performed on each breast in order to achieve symmetry. More severe tuberous deformities may require 2 operations or staged procedures for the best results. *

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